Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that involves the insertion of thin metallic needles through the skin. The needles are activated by a practitioner’s hands, and sometimes by electrical stimulation. It is a popular form of alternative medicine in Asia and is used to treat various ailments. The Chinese believe that the free flow of chi is essential to optimal health, and acupuncture improves the flow of chi throughout the body.
Acupuncture can help patients manage many health issues and acute pain. It stimulates the part of the nervous system that calms the body and eases tension and pain. It can also help patients relax their muscles and mind, thereby improving overall well-being. In addition to improving overall health, acupuncture is also a great way to ease digestive problems, joint pains, back pains, and so much more. Some patients experience a reduction in pain, while others experience a significant reduction in nausea and other symptoms.