Aaron has made a dramatic difference in my life. I have gone through two 2 back surgeries, and multiple nerve blocks and other surgical treatments to handle my back and nerve pain. The only solution I was basically left with was opiates, muscle relaxers and other drugs from the Physiatrist. This was not an acceptable solution for me for I prefer live a functional life. After 5 yrs of little progress of traditional medicine and desperate for relief, I decided to try Acupuncture. I went in knowing Acupuncture can provide health benefits but I was very skeptical about finding pain and numbness relief. After 8 sessions with Aaron, not only do I feel better, my pain is almost gone. Since starting my sessions, I have gone off all the pain meds prescribed to me by the pain management Dr., and have noticed the numbness in my feet and legs slowly going away. I would have told you this is not possible two months ago, as I told Aaron, but I and my Dr’s have been proven wrong. I am very grateful for these results and can only wish success to others that come his way.